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Thank you for visiting the Regina East Zone Board website.  The East Zone Board represents the Arcola East, Boothill and the Dewdney East areas.  We provide recreation and community programs that are offered zone wide. 

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30pm at the Arcola East Community Centre, located at 3860 Buckingham Drive. All east zone residents are invited to attend.

The Board has two vacant positions: Vice Chairperson and Special Events Coordinator. We meet the first Tuesday evening of the month except for July and August. If you are interested in volunteering and want to know more about these positions or other opportunities, please email 

The EZB is offering two bursaries commencing for graduating high school students living within the East Zone and accepted to attend a Saskatchewan post secondary institution. Please see below for more information and application form. Deadline for applications is April 15th for the student to be eligible.

Please click for more information (PDF) Application Form (Word)

The East Zone Board is looking for funding opportunities for projects within the East Zone.  If community groups or individuals have projects that they feel will benefit the residents within the zone and require financial assistance, please email your proposal to:

The East Zone Board wishes to thank the City of Regina for  assistance in funding our programs.

